The LEAP Programs
The VP R&D Scale-up program
Our Flagship program elevates acting VP R&Ds and CTOs to the next management level, giving them a strategic leadership framework and an extensive set of best practices.
Internal LEAP program
A dedicated program, specifically tailored to your company and senior managers. The goal is to help your R&D management team scale-up and support the company’s hyperscale growth. We will guide your leaders through advanced managerial lessons and empower them to take a giant LEAP forward and become knowledgeable, skillful senior managers in the organization.

LEAP VP R&D workshops (one day)
Are you busy taking the full-LEAP program? Do you wish you could learn new things but don’t see how you can commit to 12-weeks of intensive sessions? Have a specific topic in mind that is your really new perspective? We hear you! This is exactly why the “LEAP workshops” are for! Coming soon.